Monday, October 25, 2010

Joanne's Class Fourth Term

I can't believe how the year has flown and we're already into the last term! The children have really grown BH and have learnt so much!

A warm welcome to Shayna, Gedalia and Yossi who have joined us this term and have settled in beautifully.

We have been learning about Bereishis and the children have loved learning about EVERYTHING that Hashem has made. They are very proud of their lovely Bereishis crafts.

Because of the great weather we've been having we've been able to have lots of outside fun - including water play and painting outside which the children have really enjoyed!

Have a fantastic week!

Morah Joanne

Chani's class Fourth Term

Hello everyone!

We are now learning about the six days of creation. We are singing songs, and we are creating a beautiful book that they are loving! We are painting, sticking and we are having so much fun!

Summer is in the air! We have put outside in the garden water troughs and filled them with lots of toys, and we have been painting outside.

All the best and have a great week!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Now that the summer is here we are spending more time outside and incorporating more learning outside.

The children thoroughly enjoyed painting on the easle...

Their faces say it all....

Of course the bikes are still one of the all time favorites...

Enjoying life...

The children love playing with their friends from the other playschool class while on the playground...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Morah Joanne's class on the playground


Playing soccer

Playing in the sand

Riding bikes

rosh hashona prep in Morah Chani's class

The children have been having so much fun preparing for Rosh Hashona. We made Rosh Hashonah crowns with Shofars and apples.
Some children chose to use paintbrushes....

While others used their hands...

The children love hugging the Torah during davening and realize how special it is...

We also painted Lulav's and Esrog's for Sukkos...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Morah Chani's class:

Hello everyone! We are so busy learning about Rosh Hashana! We are singing songs, listening to stories and tasting foods. You can feel it in the air! The kids are listening attentively and we are having so much fun! You are in for a real treat daddy's and Mommies, because the children are so busy painting their very own Machzor! I will keep posting! Have a great week! Morah Chani

Morah Joanne's class:

We are very busy with our Rosh Hashona crafts. The children are really enjoying listening to Shofar every morning. We have been making apples to dip into honey, honey jars, shofars, carrots and of course, round challahs with raisins. The playschool is really buzzing with excitement as Rosh Hashona draws near. We have learnt that we get honey from bees and the children are loving role playing as bees as they go in and out of their hives.

Have a good week!

Morah Joanne

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Morah Joanne's class

For the last week of the term we are concentrating on the colour yellow.
We have now learned the colours red, green blue and yellow.
We have painted balls (circles) of different sizes in each of these colours using different paint techniques.
I have also been emphasizing the importance of sharing- this is something that many 2 year olds find difficult but Baruch Hashem the children are all very kind and have been receptive to learning to share.
We have also been busy working on our Father's day presents which I am sure you will enjoy.
For those of you going away, travel safely.
To all of you, enjoy your precious time with your children.
Till next term,
Morah Joanne

Monday, June 7, 2010

Morah Chani's class:

Hello everybody,

We have been very busy learning colours! Red and blue are the ones we have learned and I am sure you have noticed our blue days, biscuits with blue sprinkles etc. For red we had strawberries, peppers , etc. The days we learned red, everything is red, the days we learn blue everything is blue!!! We are definitely having a great time!!

See you all next week

Morah Chani

Morah Joanne's class

We have completed the colour red and are continuing with our theme of colours and are now doing green. We are painting green circles (soccer balls) and discussing all the different things around us that are green. We are looking at the way that Hashem has made the world in so many different colours. The children are really enjoying this theme and I hope that colours are being discussed at home too. Have a good week!

Morah Joanne

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Morah Joanne's class:

I am sure that you all enjoyed the special chag of shavuos with your families. The children were very proud of their crafts and I'm sure they enjoyed singing their special Shavuos songs for you.

After counting 49 days on our Har Sinai on the classroom wall, the children were very excited to finally reach the time of receiving the Torah.

I am now introducing colours as a theme. We are starting with the primary colours and I would appreciate it if you would reinforce this at home by referring to things by their different colours. Please only use primary colours as introducing too many colours can be confusing.

Have a good week!
Have fun!
Morah Joanne

Friday, May 14, 2010

Photos from Morah Joanne's class

Playing with the toys...

Painting our Torah's for Shavuos...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Morah Chani's class:

I hope you all had a wonderful Mothers day! The children were so proud to do their craft and they were so happy to bake for their mommy!
We are getting closer to Shavuos! We are counting the days, we are painting Torahs and we are singing and dancing to the songs!
Have a great week!
Morah Chani

Morah Joanne's class:

I hope all the moms had a special Mother's Day. Those of you that joined us at the breakfast, I'm sure you'll agree that it was a wonderful morning. The children enjoyed having their hands painted to make their handprints on your Mother's Day hearts that they gave you. I hope that you'll treasure them for many years to come.

We are doing a lot of active play during our rings - climbing Har Sinai, receiving the Torah , dancing with the Torah and davening to Hashem - all themes related to Shavuos which is around the corner.

Have a good week! Morah Joanne

Friday, May 7, 2010

Morah Joanne's class:

I hope you all had a wonderful Lag ba'omer with your children and enjoyed the crafts they brought home.
Our wall is now full of small mountains- Our own Har Sinai's- complete with flowers and the Luchos.
We are counting the days till we get the Torah and the children really enjoy pretending that they are Moshe climbing the mountain to get the Luchos from Hashem.
We hope you enjoy your mothers day gift!
Good Shabbos,
Morah Joanne.

Morah Chani's class:

Hello Everyone!
I am sure you all had a wonderful Lag Ba'omer.
We are counting the days till we get the Torah. We painted flowers to make Har Sinai look so beautiful. Just look at those flowers. Look closely.
We are now busy making our own Torah!
For Mother's day we made heart cookies! We hope you enjoy!
Happy Mother's day!
Have a great Shabbos,
Morah Chani

Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome back from Morah Chani

"Ring around the Torah.... we all fall down!"

Heschel is so excited as he has just learned to jump.

Our Davening ring.

Welcome back everyone! The new term has begun smoothly, the children are happy, back into the routine of Playschool. We are now busy counting the days of the Omer with songs. For Lag Ba'omer we painted flames to form a large bonfire, and at the same time we are learning about the dangers and positive aspects of fire.

The blog will be updated weekly so please check, comment and enjoy this new form of communication.

Have a great week,

Morah Chani.