Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Morah Joanne's class

For the last week of the term we are concentrating on the colour yellow.
We have now learned the colours red, green blue and yellow.
We have painted balls (circles) of different sizes in each of these colours using different paint techniques.
I have also been emphasizing the importance of sharing- this is something that many 2 year olds find difficult but Baruch Hashem the children are all very kind and have been receptive to learning to share.
We have also been busy working on our Father's day presents which I am sure you will enjoy.
For those of you going away, travel safely.
To all of you, enjoy your precious time with your children.
Till next term,
Morah Joanne

Monday, June 7, 2010

Morah Chani's class:

Hello everybody,

We have been very busy learning colours! Red and blue are the ones we have learned and I am sure you have noticed our blue days, biscuits with blue sprinkles etc. For red we had strawberries, peppers , etc. The days we learned red, everything is red, the days we learn blue everything is blue!!! We are definitely having a great time!!

See you all next week

Morah Chani

Morah Joanne's class

We have completed the colour red and are continuing with our theme of colours and are now doing green. We are painting green circles (soccer balls) and discussing all the different things around us that are green. We are looking at the way that Hashem has made the world in so many different colours. The children are really enjoying this theme and I hope that colours are being discussed at home too. Have a good week!

Morah Joanne