Monday, August 23, 2010

Morah Chani's class:

Hello everyone! We are so busy learning about Rosh Hashana! We are singing songs, listening to stories and tasting foods. You can feel it in the air! The kids are listening attentively and we are having so much fun! You are in for a real treat daddy's and Mommies, because the children are so busy painting their very own Machzor! I will keep posting! Have a great week! Morah Chani

Morah Joanne's class:

We are very busy with our Rosh Hashona crafts. The children are really enjoying listening to Shofar every morning. We have been making apples to dip into honey, honey jars, shofars, carrots and of course, round challahs with raisins. The playschool is really buzzing with excitement as Rosh Hashona draws near. We have learnt that we get honey from bees and the children are loving role playing as bees as they go in and out of their hives.

Have a good week!

Morah Joanne